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quinta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2014

Can Nelson Mandela help your relationship?

What has your spouse done lately that really hurt you? Were you ignored? Rejected? Feeling controlled? Maybe disconnected? My encouragement for you today has nothing to do with your hurtful spouse.
My encouragement is…”What are you going to do with the hurt?”
Nelson Mandela said, “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”
Remember when the disciples asked Jesus how many times they were to forgive someone? I love Jesuss sarcasm, when he said, “70×7”. In essense, there’s no limit to our need to forgive, because forgiveness is for us!
If you want to be freed from the hurt, let it go by saying something like, “God, it’s in your hands. Help me forgive.” God will answer.
And by the way, if you haven’t left a review yet in iTunes, don’t be shy, it’s easy to do and it really lets me know you’re listening (as a thank you, after your review is submitted, I’ll send you a special free gift).
If your marriage needs help, please call us at 800-975-8748 to hear how the ER4LOVE Intensive program can help you today.
Tags: bitterness, forgiveness, Nelson Mandela, resentmentMy passion is help you get it, so your relationships don't completely stress you out! That's why "The DNA of Relationships" study is so important, or the book my wife and I barely survived writing (because we are so different...we almost killed each other. You'll have to read the book to understand.), will revolutionize the way you resolve conflict. "The Surprising Way to a Stronger Marriage". Click on the links to learn more about those resources and find more that will help you love each other like you never dreamed possible!

sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2013

The 5 biggest mistakes people make in relationships

In today’s show you will….
learn what the five biggest mistakes people make in any relationship are, and how to defeat them!

The Marriage Pack $89 – 2 DVD’s and 4 Books!

And by the way, if you haven’t left a review yet in iTunes, don’t be shy, it’s easy to do and it really lets me know you’re listening (as a thank you, after your review is submitted, I’ll send you a special free gift).
If your marriage needs help, please call us at 800-975-8748 to hear how the Smalley Intensive program can help you today.
Five Biggest Mistakes People Make in Relationships
1. Poor Communication (not listening by reloading)

Solution: Listen, understand, validate and empathize
Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say. (Is. 28:23)

2. Poor self-care…you end up empty and exhausted
Solution…you’ll have to tune in next episode for the solution!

Matt Brouwer – Where’s Our Revolution – Click here to view on iTunes

Tags: communication, conflict resolution, The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make in RelationshipsMy passion is help you get it, so your relationships don't completely stress you out! That's why "The DNA of Relationships" study is so important, or the book my wife and I barely survived writing (because we are so different...we almost killed each other. You'll have to read the book to understand.), will revolutionize the way you resolve conflict. "The Surprising Way to a Stronger Marriage". Click on the links to learn more about those resources and find more that will help you love each other like you never dreamed possible!

quarta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2013

Women and anger (Everyday Relationships Radio with Dr. Greg Smalley)

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 37:49 — 8.7MB)
On our previous program we discussed men and anger, and on this episode, we explore women and anger…if that’s even a real thing.
Susie assures us women are always poised and perfect.
But, just in case, we’ll help moms, wives and women deal with root causes of their anger and how they can deal with it in a healthy way.
And by the way, if you haven’t left a review yet in iTunes, don’t be shy, it’s easy to do and it really lets me know you’re listening (as a thank you, after your review is submitted, I’ll send you a special free gift).
If your marriage needs help, please call us at 800-975-8748 to hear how the Smalley Intensive program can help you today.
Tags: anger, anger management, Dr. Greg Smalley, Everyday Relationships Radio, women and anger

My new role as Vice President at Focus on the Family gives me the opportunity to serve millions of marriages and families around the world. I'm honored to continue my dad's legacy in helping couples and families learn how to honor God and each other in how they communicate and resolve conflict. One of my foundational life messages was developed with my dad, brother, and an entire team while living in Branson, "The DNA of Relationships" DVD series. I want to encourage you to pursue a community of believers through the power of a small group. It's why we produce these curriculums. They really do help you keep all your relationships focused and moving forward.

sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2013

You can’t do it alone

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 37:44 — 8.6MB)
It’s the American way to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and forge our own destiny, but who says that’s the best way? And how exactly to you pull yourself up from a bootstrap? The truth is, you can’t do life alone…people need people. Jill Savage will join the conversation as we talk about the importance of having a core group of people in your life to support you, no matter what.
And by the way, if you haven’t left a review yet in iTunes, don’t be shy, it’s easy to do and it really lets me know you’re listening (as a thank you, after your review is submitted, I’ll send you a special free gift).
If your marriage needs help, please call us at 800-975-8748 to hear how the Smalley Intensive program can help you today.


Tags: Dr. Greg Smalley, Everyday Relationships Radio, friendshipMy new role as Vice President at Focus on the Family gives me the opportunity to serve millions of marriages and families around the world. I'm honored to continue my dad's legacy in helping couples and families learn how to honor God and each other in how they communicate and resolve conflict. One of my foundational life messages was developed with my dad, brother, and an entire team while living in Branson, "The DNA of Relationships" DVD series. I want to encourage you to pursue a community of believers through the power of a small group. It's why we produce these curriculums. They really do help you keep all your relationships focused and moving forward.

terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2013

The Rich You Formula

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 33:06 — 75.7MB)
Gary Smalley and Ryan Chamberlin explain how the Rich You Formula will help you achieve balance in what’s most important. The also discuss from the book the five beliefs that will lead you to success:
Hear what Gary has to say about 1 Timothy 6:3 – the foundation of his life! What was Gary’s unique dream and prayer about work and money? It’s the most powerful concept ever!
And by the way, if you haven’t left a review yet in iTunes, don’t be shy, it’s easy to do and it really lets me know you’re listening (as a thank you, after your review is submitted, I’ll send you a special free gift).
If your marriage needs help, please call us at 800-975-8748 to hear how the ER4LOVE Intensive program can help you today.
Tags: business, Finances, gary smalley, Rich You Formula, Ryan ChamberlinMy passion is help you get it, so your relationships don't completely stress you out! That's why "The DNA of Relationships" study is so important, or the book my wife and I barely survived writing (because we are so different...we almost killed each other. You'll have to read the book to understand.), will revolutionize the way you resolve conflict. "The Surprising Way to a Stronger Marriage". Click on the links to learn more about those resources and find more that will help you love each other like you never dreamed possible!

sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2013

2 things you can do to overcome anything

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00 — 1.6MB)
My favorite news show by far is CBS’s Sunday Morning News. I love it because 90% of their stories have nothing to do with the government, the latest kidnapping, natural dasters, death, or shark bites.
Recently I heard Dr. Dennis Charney, Dean of Medicine at Mount Sinai in NY, share his research on how people surivive trauma. His research wants to discover why some people thrive after trauma while others are devestated by it.
His answer…2 things… 1. They have a strong support community around them and 2. they are infinitely positive. They’ve got optimism.
Maybe your trauma isn’t war or injury related. But your relationship has caused hurt. Maybe these two things will help you thrive as well.
And by the way, if you haven’t left a review yet in iTunes, don’t be shy, it’s easy to do and it really lets me know you’re listening (as a thank you, after your review is submitted, I’ll send you a special free gift).
If your marriage needs help, please call us at 800-975-8748 to hear how the ER4LOVE Intensive program can help you today.
Tags: divorce, traumaMy passion is help you get it, so your relationships don't completely stress you out! That's why "The DNA of Relationships" study is so important, or the book my wife and I barely survived writing (because we are so different...we almost killed each other. You'll have to read the book to understand.), will revolutionize the way you resolve conflict. "The Surprising Way to a Stronger Marriage". Click on the links to learn more about those resources and find more that will help you love each other like you never dreamed possible!

quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2013

You complete me and other ridiculous ideas about love

Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00 — 1.4MB)
“I love you. You… you complete me.”

That quote from Jerry Maguire and it’s a bunch of hooey! The problem with couples today is they see movies like Jerry Maguire, and actually believe that kind of malarkey is the stuff of true love.

I’m done with the Irish colloquialisms, and I’m done with Hollywood’s idea of love. “You complete me” isn’t love, it’s lust. It’s emotion, and it’s got nothing to do with love. True love is what you say when you don’t feel all gooey inside. True love is what you do when you don’t “feel” like being very loving.
Instead of the “you complete” me’s of the world, how about we all start saying, “I choose you today, no matter what!”
And by the way, if you haven’t left a review yet in iTunes, don’t be shy, it’s easy to do and it really lets me know you’re listening (as a thank you, after your review is submitted, I’ll send you a special free gift).
If your marriage needs help, please call us at 800-975-8748 to hear how we Intensive program can help you today.

Tags: Jerry Maguire, loveMy passion is help you get it, so your relationships don't completely stress you out! That's why "The DNA of Relationships" study is so important, or the book my wife and I barely survived writing (because we are so different...we almost killed each other. You'll have to read the book to understand.), will revolutionize the way you resolve conflict. "The Surprising Way to a Stronger Marriage". Click on the links to learn more about those resources and find more that will help you love each other like you never dreamed possible!