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terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2013

The Rich You Formula

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 33:06 — 75.7MB)
Gary Smalley and Ryan Chamberlin explain how the Rich You Formula will help you achieve balance in what’s most important. The also discuss from the book the five beliefs that will lead you to success:
Hear what Gary has to say about 1 Timothy 6:3 – the foundation of his life! What was Gary’s unique dream and prayer about work and money? It’s the most powerful concept ever!
And by the way, if you haven’t left a review yet in iTunes, don’t be shy, it’s easy to do and it really lets me know you’re listening (as a thank you, after your review is submitted, I’ll send you a special free gift).
If your marriage needs help, please call us at 800-975-8748 to hear how the ER4LOVE Intensive program can help you today.
Tags: business, Finances, gary smalley, Rich You Formula, Ryan ChamberlinMy passion is help you get it, so your relationships don't completely stress you out! That's why "The DNA of Relationships" study is so important, or the book my wife and I barely survived writing (because we are so different...we almost killed each other. You'll have to read the book to understand.), will revolutionize the way you resolve conflict. "The Surprising Way to a Stronger Marriage". Click on the links to learn more about those resources and find more that will help you love each other like you never dreamed possible!

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